Experience Relief & Get Back to Your Life

The Intouch
Chiropractic Difference

Intouch Chiropractic is a boutique-style practice, where a husband and wife team of chiropractic doctors use the most advanced techniques – we do not pop, crack, or twist the spine, but treat it gently and correctly. Our center was established to create an environment of personalized comfort and care, with every team member focusing on ensuring the journey to improved health is positive, empowering, and supportive. We invite you to discover a practice that offers the most advanced diagnostics, treatment protocols, and next-generation technology, with treatments delivered by two of the top chiropractors in San Diego.


Cutting-Edge Treatment

Our clinic is known for staying on the cutting edge of technology. We continuously incorporate the latest advances in healthcare to help our patients get better faster.

Conditions Treated
Enjoy a Happier, Healthier Life

Life can be rewarding, beautiful, and productive – when you are free from pain. At Intouch Chiropractic in San Diego, you will discover one of the most advanced chiropractic clinics in the USA, led by two renowned chiropractors, equipped with diagnostic technology to identify the precise source of pain, with groundbreaking treatments and technology for real-world relief.

Spinal Stenosis
Chronic Back Pain
Neck Pain
TMJ Disorders
Migraine Treatment
Headache Relief
Herniated Bulging Discs
Degenerative Disc Disease
Pinched Nerve

How We Help Featured Service

Our private, modern clinic was established to deliver advanced chiropractic in San Diego to address an array of physical conditions and ills. Our clinic is equipped with world-class therapeutic treatment systems to ensure our patients have access to the next-generation treatments in alternative medicine to reach their health goals in the healthiest, least invasive manner.

Our Team Meet the Doctors

Dr. Jeanett Tapia, DC, ACP

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As a chiropractor, Dr. Jeanett Tapia brings advanced training, experience, and a warm, caring touch to every treatment. She is a specialist in NUCCA (National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association)  a groundbreaking chiropractic approach involving precise, gentle, non-invasive spinal adjustments to address the actual source of a range of painful conditions caused by a misalignment at the top of the spine.

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Dr. Devin Young, DC, DCCJP

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Dr. Young is among the most highly trained chiropractic doctors practicing in the San Diego region and beyond. He began his journey as a full spine chiropractor, quickly becoming interested in the NUCCA technique. His extensive training includes a 300-hour training program in DCCJP (cranio-cervical junction procedures), and certification as a Level 2 NUCCA practitioner.

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