Our Chiropractors

Dr. Jeanett Tapia, DC, ACP


As a chiropractor, Dr. Jeanett Tapia brings advanced training, experience, and a warm, caring touch to every treatment. She is a specialist in NUCCA (National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association)  a groundbreaking chiropractic approach involving precise, gentle, non-invasive spinal adjustments to address the actual source of a range of painful conditions caused by a misalignment at the top of the spine.

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Dr. Devin Young, DC, DCCJP


Dr. Young is among the most highly trained chiropractic doctors practicing in the San Diego region and beyond. He began his journey as a full spine chiropractor, quickly becoming interested in the NUCCA technique. His extensive training includes a 300-hour training program in DCCJP (cranio-cervical junction procedures), and certification as a Level 2 NUCCA practitioner.

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