Boost Your Health Naturally

Boost your Immune system naturally

The cold & flu season is here. Is your body working at 100%?

Your body has the amazing power to take care of you and keep you from getting sick. The key is giving it the proper support and supplements.

What Is a Cold or Flu, Exactly?

Firstly, cold and flu symptoms are a set of symptoms that your body displays as it tries to clean house of invaders. Symptoms appear as your body’s defense system goes to work and tries to kill off bacteria and viruses- your body says “I’m not afraid of you!” Secondly, symptoms are the body’s normal response kicking the immune system into high gear. Cold and flu symptoms are your body’s natural response and are typically temporary and not life-threatening. You can learn more about this in Don’t Let the Flu get you Down- Part 2

“Is your body working at 100%?”

An Interesting Piece of Chiropractic History

Over a century ago, chiropractors helped save thousands of lives during the 1918 Influenza Pandemic. It’s an interesting piece of history. Many patients that were given up on were treated by chiropractors and survived. Although, we can’t draw direct conclusions, when your nervous system becomes compromised, all of your systems including your immune system become compromised. Also, Chiropractors are the only professionals that remove interference from the nervous system helping with cold and flu symptoms. Through chiropractic adjustments, subluxations are removed, which influences how your body functions physiologically. If you have 5 minutes, watch this YouTube video from Dr. Dan Murphy on this interesting piece of history and learn more about how to help your immune system with Our Top 7 Immune Boosting Tips!

In conclusion, if we support the health of the nervous system by improving spinal alignment and function, we effectively support and strengthen all body systems.

Intouch Chiropractic | San Diego, CA(619) 756-7510

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