Embracing Acceptance

Embrace It

We often go through life observing others, and ultimately thinking, “that will never happen to me.” Sometimes we think this when we are hearing a friend talk about his travel adventures around the world. Other times, it is when listening to somebody talk about a string of bad luck. If there is one thing about life that is true, it is that it is unpredictable and ever changing.

You never know what is around the corner. What if you wake up one morning and win the lottery?! Or you lose your spouse in an unexpected accident. You learn that you are pregnant with triplets. Your wife gets laid off from her job of 25 years. What now?

Our primary challenge is to take whatever life presents us with and embrace it. Although difficult at times, our embrace ultimately results in a beautiful transformation. Looking at life from an optimistic point of view takes practice and commitment. Our first step is to cultivate self-acceptance in our lives in the present moment. This ongoing commitment of acceptance makes situations in the future more manageable as we tend to view them from a point of less resistance. When we accept the circumstances in our lives, we feel more peaceful and happier. That doesn’t mean we give up, we just loosen our need for control.

“choosing acceptance transforms you from feeling happy to being happy”


In the Art of Dreaming, Carlos Castaneda wrote, “most of our energy goes into upholding our importance…if we were capable of losing some of that importance, two extraordinary things would happen to us: One, we would free our energy from trying to maintain the illusory idea of our grandeur; and two, we would provide ourselves with enough energy to catch a glimpse or the actual grandeur of the universe.”

Imagine how much stronger you are when you fully accept yourself regardless of what is happening on the outside. You are beautiful now. You are smart now. And, you are happy now. You are successful now. You are enough right now!

Accepting Things as They Are

Accepting things as they present themselves in our lives brings us more inner peace and happiness. When we choose acceptance, our health and well being benefit greatly. Difficult situations can either be embraced and accepted, or struggled with and resisted. Consistently choosing acceptance transforms you from feeling happy to being happy.

When one door closes, look around and see what other windows or doors have opened. It is usually just a matter of perception.


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