Happy Mother’s Day

What Would Life Be like Without Moms

It wouldn’t. Without our mamas we wouldn’t be alive. Happy Mother’s Day to all of the moms out there. In this post we thought to share a bit about our mothers.

Dr. Young’s Mom: Margaret

Dr. Young’s mom grew up in a rural community on a farm in Millstadt, Illinois. Milking cows, making butter, lifting bales of hay and selling produce door-to-door in the city.  Along with learning to drive a tractor at age 8, growing up with no brothers gave her a very early awareness that she was not only capable of doing anything a boy could do, but that it was expected!These were truly all great lessons in early responsibility and independence. Margaret instilled a strong work ethic, honesty and integrity above anything else in Dr. Young and her daughters. The best gifts a mother can give to her children.Her independence brought her to California. The beauty of the Bay Area drew her in…and still does. Margaret had a rewarding career as a nurse, raised 3 kids successfully, and continues to live in the Oakland Hills with her husband.

Dr. Tapia’s Mom: Elsa

Her story starts in Mexico. At the young age of 21, she was a widow with 2 little kids to take care of on her own, Dr. Tapia and her younger brother, Edgar,  who was terminally ill as an infant.

After traveling to the top doctors in Mexico City, she was told there was nothing else that could be done for him. So, Elsa contacted the Children’s Hospital in Los Angeles, and after dozens of experimental surgeries, Edgar is still here today.

I can’t wrap my brain around what she must have experienced. Probably lonely and afraid in a new country, not knowing a single soul in LA and not speaking the language. However, she spent a lot of time at the Ronald McDonald House for her little boy. Elsa continues to pour her heart into her 2 lively kids. She’s a quiet woman!

Happy Mother’s Day: Tell Us About Your Mom

Gosh! We’re so grateful for these strong women! On this day, we send a big hug to you and your mom! Happy Mother’s Day!

Tell us about your mom next time you’re in the office. We honor you on this Mother’s Day whether you have your own biological kids or not. Happy Mother’s Day!

Gentle Adjustments. Powerful Results.


Gentle NUCCA Chiropractors Intouch Chiropractic | San Diego, CA (619) 756-7510

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