Holiday Stress Tips

High Levels of Stress During the Holidays are Common

Stress affects all of us. And of course it affects our loved ones too!

However, stress levels usually reach an all-time high during the holidays. We all know that sustained stress levels can lead to health issues, so let’s look at some useful holiday stress tips.


Holiday Stress Buster Tips


  • Eat foods that are right for you – You know your body best. What foods help your body thrive? During the holidays, keep extra supplies of healthy foods on hand.
  • Drink plenty of water – Keep yourself hydrated. By drinking enough water (2-4 quarts per day), you will reduce stress on your internal organs, and help minimize the risk of catching a cold or the flu.
  • Avoid alcohol for stress management – Alcohol is a depressant and can actually increase your anxiety and stress levels. If you do drink alcohol, especially in social settings, keep track of how much you are drinking. And, of course, never drink and drive.


  • Use moderate exercise to feel better – Take a walk. The simple act of walking around your neighborhood will strengthen your body and also helps clear your mind.
  • Visit your chiropractor – Misalignment can cause stress on your body. A sore neck, aching back, or reduced range of motion will add to feeling out of sorts. Work with your chiropractor to ensure your body is in alignment.
  • Get a massage – Look back at prior holiday seasons. When did you most need a massage? Schedule your massage in anticipation of when you will need it most. be happy to refer you to someone that we trust.


  • Adjust your expectations – Be realistic in your expectations of others (and yourself!). Choose to enjoy all the holiday moments as a gift. After all, we are bombarded with stimulation during the holidays.
  • Practice forgiveness and acceptance – We can’t change the past. But, we can forgive and live in the present. We can accept what we can’t change. It’s super healthy to increase empathy and gratitude during the holiday season.
  • Set boundaries – Be clear with how much time and money you can spend on the holidays. It’s not worth it to overspend or be exhausted by the time the holidays are over.
  • Keep it simple – Gentle reminders of the difference between wants and needs is critical. We have people we want to be with, but can’t and people we don’t want to be with, but must. We have our own stories of how the holidays should be. So, do your best to keep things simple.


Bio: Martha de Forest is a dual degree engineer and certified integrative hypnotherapist. She has been married for over 30 years and has raised two daughters.


Need more help?

Here are some helpful hotlines:

  • Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255
  • Sexual Assault Hotline 1-800-656-4673
  • Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-7233
  • Immediate Help 911

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