My Last 10K Was Awesome

No Low Back Pain Anymore

“At first, I came to the office because I have experienced lower back pain for the last 7 years of my life. I have gone to plenty of doctors that would prescribe some sort of pain killer, like Vicodin, to “cure” my back problems.

I was sick of spending time and money on physicians that wanted to mask the problem rather than actually work towards fixing them. Ever since coming here in October of 2013, I have felt amazing and my back has improved drastically. I have no low back pain anymore.

Also, I am more surprised by other improvements that I have seen with my body as well. I recently completed my second 10K, and I finished with my best time yet! Also, I was shocked at how much my running improved, as well as how my body handled the entire race. It was a night and day difference between this one and my first 10K in August of 2013.

I really believe that this improvement is in large part to Intouch Chiropractic and the care I have received from Dr. Devin. Time to tackle my first half marathon now!

Woohoo for no low back pain!”

-Megan L.

Gentle Adjustments. Powerful Results.

San Diego Neck Pain Experts Gentle NUCCA Chiropractors Intouch Chiropractic | San Diego, CA (619) 756-7510

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