Raising Healthy Kids Naturally in San Diego, CA

Naturally Healthy Kids

Raising healthy kids naturally in San Diego. With so much conflicting information that comes from the media, is it any wonder that parents are confused about their children’s health care more and more? Therefore, they are often left wondering what the best care is for their kids. The great majority of parents usually only take their child to see the pediatrician when he is experiencing acute symptoms such as fever, cough, ear pain, diarrhea, etc. Let’s raise healthy kids!

Tough Pill to Swallow

Consider talking to your child’s pediatrician about your health goals for your child before they get sick. Or is every visit to the doctor’s office focused on treating symptoms in an emerging situation? The sad reality is that the current health model is not designed to have open communication with our doctors. This can happen when we are well or symptom-free, and most medical encounters are symptom-relief oriented.

Health and Symptoms

Raising healthy kids. It is a common misconception and belief that we are healthy when we don’t have symptoms. Or, that we are sick when we are expressing symptoms. We live in a society that promotes prescription medications on television and we are prompted to, “ask your doctor if xxx is right for you.” Of course it’s easy to blame symptoms as the culprit to dis-ease and give little thought to what is causing the symptoms in the first place. Let’s start to ask hard questions like, ‘why are his ears chronically infected?’ In reality, it is less and less about symptoms and more and more about how well your child is adapting to chemical, physical and emotional stressors in their life.

What You Can Do

    • Talk to your child’s pediatrician about your health goals when your child is well
    • Always ask questions about alternatives and side effects of any medication
    • Consider getting a second opinion from a naturopath or a homeopath
    • Learn about good nutrition habits for the whole family
    • Get outdoors and exercise with your kids and limit screen time
    • Delay the introduction of dairy until 2 years of age
    • Get informed about vaccinations
    • Encourage your child to drink pure water and limit fruit juices
    • Limit the amount of sugar, fried foods and packaged foods
    • Boost your child’s immune system with natural chiropractic care


Gentle Adjustments. Powerful Results.

NUCCA Chiropractors | Upper Cervical Care Intouch Chiropractic | San Diego, CA (619) 756-7510 sandiegonucca.com

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