The Epic Life of André Kajlich

An Extraordinary Athlete

André Kajlich was a college student in the Czech Republic when after a night of partying, he accidentally fell off a subway platform. The oncoming train ran over him, beginning his new life as a double amputee. The epic life of André Kajlich is remarkable.

That he survived is in itself, a miracle! His doctors set the expectations low. He lost one leg at the hip and the other above the knee. They told him he may never get out of bed, sit, or walk again. André has done all that, and so much more. He has become an ultra-endurance athlete. Also, competed in Ironman and Ultraman, and then set his sights on Race Across America (RAAM).

Race Across America is called the most difficult endurance competition on the planet. It starts in Oceanside, California, and ends in Annapolis, Maryland. There are no stages, it’s one 3,000 plus mile straight shot across the continent; sleep is optional. It took André several attempts to qualify for the elite race, one attempt failed because his bike broke in half.

The Epic Life of André Kajlich

Last year, André was on the road for nine days straight taking 90 minutes of sleep every 24 hours. To prepare for RAAM, he received grants from the Challenged Athletes Foundation. He rode on three hand cycles. There were two crew vehicles and eight crew members with him at a time. Crew jobs included medical support, mechanical, logistics, driving and map reading. He even had someone who picked out the music to keep André’s pace and spirits on track.

But that’s not all! One of André’s sisters is a Hollywood producer. There is a documentary in the making titled Joyrider. The filming started months ago, capturing training runs. There is a RAAM film crew dedicated to documenting André’s journey consisting of an additional vehicle and a camera crew.

It’s epic. Life is epic. Your life is epic.

Who is on your ultra-marathon team of life?

Another incredible athlete like Andre is Meb Keflezighi, read his story here.

For more information about André Kajlich, check out

Guest Author Bio: Martha de Forest is a dual degree engineer and certified integrative hypnotherapist. She has been married for over 30 years and has raised two daughters.


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