Update from Intouch Chiropractic COVID-19

We are thinking about you!

Update from Intouch Chiropractic regarding COVID-19. Our office will remain open to help serve your healthcare needs and to give you guidance during this time.

We continue to actively sanitize and disinfect ALL surfaces as mentioned in prior communications, such as door knobs, counter tops, furniture, etc. We have always enforced strict hygiene practices, but have now extensively increased our efforts.

Mandatory hand washing and/or hand sanitizing before each patient interaction. Hand sanitizer is available for patient use as well. All adjusting tables, DRX9000 non-surgical spinal decompression tables and equipment is being sanitized. Masks or face coverings are required for both staff and patients.

How You Can Protect Yourself Now

There is much YOU can do to protect yourselves right now. Your immune system is you #1 defense agent against all viral and bacterial infections.

Here are best tips that we follow personally:

* GET PLENTY OF SLEEP. Studies have shown that deep sleep is intimately connected to a healthy immune system directly. Dim your lights 1 hour before going to bed and minimize backlit screens. Let your natural physiology dictate how much sleep you are getting vs. your alarm clock.

* DRINK PLENTY OF WATER. The #1 deficient nutrient in most people is WATER. Staying sufficiently hydrated is very important in EVERY biochemical process in your body. This includes your immune system.

* EAT WELL. Eat supportive foods such as raw, organic, healthy, fresh, green, veggies, fruits, fish and lean meats. Stay away from processed, sugary, canned/ boxes foods and preservatives as much as you can.

* TAKE PROBIOTICS. It’s estimated that up to 70% of your immune system resides in your gut. With the increased used of antibacterial products, it’s important that you replenish good bacteria in your tummy.

* TAKE VITAMIN D3. Vitamin D3 plays a vital role in both bacterial and viral immune function. During winter months, we recommend taking 5,000- 10,000 IU per day.

* IMMUNE BOOSTERS. Consider taking a multi-vitamin, multi-mineral, omega-3 fish oil, zinc oral spray, apple cider vinegar, and drinking lemon water.

* LASTLY, Get adjusted. Regular chiropractic adjustments help keep you healthy proactively.

As essential healthcare workers, we have made the decision to be here for our patients. Thank you for being part of our community.

Bonus- Learn how to make your own hand sanitizer!

Call our office at (619) 756-7510 with questions.

Intouch Chiropractic | San Diego, CAsandiegonucca.com(1) Chiropractic & Osteopathy September 2010 “Interleukin 2-regulated in vitro antibody production following a single spinal manipulative treatment in normal subjects.” JA Teodorczyk-Injeyan, M McGregor, R Ruegg, HS Injeyan.

.For more information, visit the Centers for Disease Control’s dedicated page on COVID-19 by clicking here.

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