Chronic Back Pain

Traditional Lower Back Pain
Treatments Often Fall Short.


Most patients with chronic back pain in San Diego we meet verbalize that they don’t want to rely on daily medications, either over-the-counter or prescription based. While medications provide temporary relief, painkillers, and muscle relaxants only cover up the symptoms. In our experience, this does not treat the cause, nor is it a long-term solution for chronic back pain.

happy woman

It’s common to treat back pain with painkillers. While this may be an easy back pain remedy, do your research first. Before you take prescription pharmaceutical pain medications (including opioids) or reach for over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers, it’s important to understand the dangers they pose. This is especially important if taken for long periods of time or in the wrong dose, as they come with a whole host of side effects that can be dangerous. We often meet patients who are in considerable pain. They feel that they’ve tried everything to get relief, and nothing has worked.

That’s Where
We Come In.

Don’t lose hope! We treat many patients successfully with our state-of-the-art DRX9000 spinal decompression technology and upper cervical care. If you’re looking for lower back pain treatment in San Diego from a chiropractor, we can help. We use state-of-the-art equipment to tailor the treatment to your specific situation.

Experiencing Lower Back Pain?
You’re Not Alone

Lower back pain is one of the most common conditions that drives a patient to a doctor’s office. Our doctors help many San Diego patients get lasting relief from lower back pain with innovative yet non-invasive lower back pain treatment. We effectively help chronic back pain by resolving misalignment issues of the spine through gentle chiropractic in San Diego.


Treat the Causes of Low Back Pain

Common medical treatment options include prescription pain medications, NSAIDS, muscle relaxants, physical therapy, and cortisone injections. Many patients can link their back pain to a specific car or sports accident, injury, or trauma. Pain often arises from a bulging disc, herniated disc, spinal stenosis, facet syndrome, and degenerative disc disease.

Lower back pain symptoms vary from mild aches to completely debilitating pain. The severity of the pain does not always match the amount of damage to the bones, discs, ligaments, and soft tissues. In some cases, a simple strain can cause debilitating lower back pain that makes it difficult to stand or even walk. On the other hand, a disc that has herniated or completely degenerated is sometimes painless – though it is still causing damage. Please contact us today if you're interested in chronic low back pain relief in San Diego.

couple driving boat

Get a Tailored Chronic
Back Pain Solution


Upper cervical chiropractic care offers a non-invasive, all-natural approach for low back pain relief. After doing a comprehensive physical exam, our doctors will discuss the causes of your pain. We will ask you specific questions about how often, where, and when the lower back pain occurs.

The information we gain from your consultation and exam helps us determine if you are a candidate for care in our office. Rather than simply treating the symptoms, our doctors provide a long-term strategy to not only get the lower back pain relief that you seek right away but also prevent future spinal decay. We take an upper cervical care approach to your care because the alignment of your head and neck plays a large role in how your back feels. We correct spinal imbalances by studying the upper neck. Most low back pain symptoms respond favorably to upper cervical chiropractic care.

If you have a disc injury, we may recommend non-surgical spinal decompression sessions to help heal the discs. The DRX9000 is a non-invasive, non-surgical treatment that requires no downtime and is highly recommended for lower back pain patients.

Get a Custom
Treatment Plan
With Impressive

The majority of our patients notice significant improvements to their chronic back pain in San Diego within the first month of care in our office. Spinal decompression is a safe, gentle, and effective alternative to neck and back surgery. Our doctors provide patients with a combination of spinal decompression treatments and upper cervical chiropractic care with high success.

If you have had radiographs or MRIs taken before, please bring them with you to your appointment for our doctors to review. Many patients get lower back pain relief even after other treatments such as prescription medications, physical therapy,
and even surgery have failed.

Are you ready to take control of your health and get lasting relief from low back pain symptoms? Call our office today at (619) 332-3400 or request an appointment here.

laughing couple

Lower Back Pain
Risk Factors:​​​​​​​

The most common ways you can hurt your back are lifting heavy items, trauma, repetitive motions, poor posture, and engaging in a new activity.

Repetitive Motions

Repetitive motions during your daily routine can stress your back over time. Recreation activities like golf, baseball, rowing, and running can produce chronic muscle strains. At work, having a poor ergonomic setup can also strain your back gradually. Repetitive stress can cause muscles to tighten, spasm, or tear. Pain can come on gradually or suddenly if put under intense stress suddenly.

Sudden Trauma or Injury

A slip and fall, car accident, or sports trauma can jar your low back. Sports such as rugby, soccer, lacrosse, football, and other impact sports put high amounts of pressure on joints and muscles. Any sudden impact can contribute to lower back injury, but multiple injuries can also have a cumulative effect on your spine.

Poor Posture

Slouching over days, months, and years puts extra strain on your low back muscles and spine. Poor posture is also often linked to weak abdominal muscles, spinal muscles, and hamstrings. Increasing muscle strength indirectly improves your posture.

Engaging in a New Activity

Starting a new workout routine can lead to muscle strains. Make sure to ease into new activities to help you avoid doing too much too soon.

Heavy Lifting

The most common back strains occur when you’re lifting a heavy item and twisting your spine at the same time. When lifting items from the ground, make sure you bend your knees and lift with your leg muscles instead of your back muscles. Once fully standing, turn your body and avoid twisting your upper body at the same time. Even when you are reaching for something overhead, you are still exposing yourself to back sprain or strain. Do your best to keep items close to your body.

How Mandi G. Fixed
Her Lower Back
Pain at Intouch


The Anatomy of
Your Lower Back


The lower part of your back, or lumbar spine, is almost always made up of 5 vertebral bones with intervertebral discs in between the bones. Facet joints in the posterior aspect of the bones interlock and provide stability. Your lumbar spine connects to the hips below and is adjacent to the thoracic spine above.

If you are looking for low back pain relief in
San Diego, we can help.

Lumbar Vertebrae

The bones are named L1 to L5. These bones are larger in size than other parts of your back, as they provide more support. The bones encase and protect the spinal cord and spinal nerve roots.


You have 5 intervertebral discs in your lower back. These act like shock absorbers or cushions between your lumbar vertebrae. Spinal discs can bulge over time due to wear and tear. They can also herniate with trauma or injury. Disc injuries are typically painful, and surgery is often

Face Joints

Your lumbar vertebrae are linked in the back of your spine with paired facet joints. Your facet joints allow you to move freely while also providing stability. These joints degenerate over time, weakening the cartilage that lines the joint

I came in to Intouch in February with a herniated disc. I was in a lot of pain and at times could hardly move. They came up with a treatment plan for me. I am now in a lot less pain and can move around a lot better. I still have some physical limitations but each time I go in and come out I feel a little bit better. I'm getting married May 21st. In December I didn't think I would be able to dance at my wedding. Now I know I can. I can't recommend Intouch enough. The staff are really friendly and the doctors know what they are doing. If you have any kind of back issue or have a need for a
chiropractor, I highly recommend them.

Joseph M.

Lower Back Nerves

Woman doing core exercises

You have five pairs of lumbar spinal nerves, also named L1 to L5. These nerves branch off your spinal cord and exit through small openings between the bones called foramina. The part of the nerve that exits at each spinal level is called the nerve root.

​​​​​​​Your lower back spinal nerves travel down each of your legs and are formed by 2 types of fibers. One type is sensory nerves that send (pain) messages to your brain. Motor fibers receive messages from your brain, directing your muscles to move.

  • L1 spinal nerves provide sensation to your genital regions and groin. They contribute to hip movement.

  • L2, L3, and L4 nerves provide sensation to the inner side of your lower leg, as well as the front part of your thigh. These nerves also control hip movements, as well as knee muscles.

  • L5 spinal nerves provide sensation to the big toe, the upper part of the foot, and the outer side of your lower leg. L5 nerves control your toe, foot, knee, and hip movements.

  • The L4 and L5 nerves (along with other nerves) contribute to the formation of the largest nerve in your body, the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve runs down the back of the butt into the back of your leg into your foot.

Stay in Touch Schedule a Consultation Today!