
You Can Beat Vertigo
Without Medication

Vertigo is a false sense that you or your surroundings are moving. Patients report that even when lying still in bed, they still feel that the room is spinning – a profoundly disorienting experience. You may be relieved to learn that relief is possible without resorting to medications with unwanted side effects. Natural vertigo treatment is available at Intouch Chiropractic in San Diego.
Our doctors are vertigo specialists and can help you get the care you need. Many patients have had extensive diagnostic procedures and have been referred to a neurologist before they seek our care and finally achieve relief from vertigo with our treatment.

This condition is often confused with dizziness, a sense of unsteadiness, or lightheadedness, but it is a serious medical condition. Episodes can last from minutes to hours and may come and go for years or be constantly present. Vertigo is commonly accompanied by:

  • Nausea

  • Ringing in the ears

  • Trouble walking

  • Visual disturbances

Relief from Vertigo is Possible

In most cases, it is difficult to pinpoint the cause of vertigo. Patients are often prescribed over-the-counter and prescription medications such as antibiotics, antihistamines, motion-sickness medications, and tranquilizers to ease the symptoms. For many patients, vertigo impacts their life 24 hours a day. A canalith repositioning procedure is often recommended, and even surgery is suggested as a last resort.

It’s common for patients to hear that they “will have to learn to live with it.” But that is simply not true. Vertigo treatment has been possible for many of our patients in San Diego, and we look forward to providing you with lasting relief as well.

vertigo relief

For 25 years, I suffered from severe migraines, vertigo and a general sense of weakness at the base of my skull...over the past year of NUCCA treatments with both Drs, I have found relief! Yes, it takes time, but both Dr. Young & Dr. Tapia are gentle, patient and will never give up on you!

Grace B.

How We Treat Cervicogenic Vertigo at Intouch Chiropractic

Research suggests that there is a link between traumas such as concussion and whiplash with vertigo. Vertigo originating from neck dysfunction is known as “cervicogenic vertigo.” Following a car accident or trauma to the head, it can be difficult to connect the symptoms to the trauma because it sometimes can take months to years to develop vertigo.

The NUCCA Chiropractic Care provided by the expert doctors at Intouch Chiropractic focuses on gently restoring proper alignment of your upper cervical spine, or upper neck, reducing irritation to the nerves that trigger cervicogenic vertigo.

We Treat Vertigo Effectively Without Medication

Atlas subluxation can irritate the vestibulocochlear nerve, your 8th cranial nerve. This is important because your 8th cranial nerve controls your sense of balance and originates in the upper neck. The top bones of your neck protect this delicate part of your central nervous system.

The Intouch Chiropractic doctors have expert experience in treating cervicogenic vertigo. It is common for patients to report prior whiplash and head trauma during their initial consultation, but we see every type of vertigo patient. During your initial consultation, our doctors will review your medical history and current condition to ensure you are a candidate for treatment.

The Connection Between
Your Vertigo and Your Neck

Did you know that one of the common causes of vertigo is your neck? The first bone of the neck, C1, is also known as the atlas. When your atlas is knocked out of alignment, it can cause a variety of neurological symptoms because it sits at the level of your brainstem. When your atlas is out of place, your head can tilt to one side, one shoulder can be higher than the other, and your pelvis can twist and distort. Take a moment right now to check for postural distortions in the mirror – you may be surprised at what you see.

When your neck is out of place, it affects your entire body. This structural imbalance causes your body to be off center (off the vertical axis) and can be one of the causes of vertigo symptoms.

vertigo relief
Experience the

Intouch Chiropractic

For many of our San Diego patients, upper cervical chiropractic care offers a lasting, natural solution to the disorientation of vertigo without drugs or surgery. We have seen many patients who finally get relief after every other type of treatment has failed. If you are searching for natural vertigo treatment in San Diego, you’re in the right place. Our vertigo doctors are specialists and can help you. Call our office or schedule an appointment here – help is on the way.

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