Our #1 Supplement for Stress Relief

Charlie Taught Us This Lesson

Our #1 supplement for stress relief is Natural Calm. We actually stumbled upon this supplement about a year ago after endless hours of research for our little Charlie, our Shih Tzu. He’s a cutie pie, but he was a stress ball! He had bounced around from home to home, and we estimate that we are his 4th family. The last family dropped him off at the Los Angeles pound for unknown reasons.

Since dogs can’t talk, we didn’t know what the heck was going on. He would lick his paws for hours making it impossible to sleep some nights. We knew something was wrong. No dog in his right mind would wake up at 3am to scratch, bite, and lick at his paws like a mad man. He was miserable….and frankly, so were we!

We took him to vet after vet after vet…after vet. We went through at least two dozen different doggie diets. A variety of brands of raw, canned, semi-cooked, cooked, you name it, we tried it. Was it fleas? Food allergies? or environmental allergies? We even though was it anxiety? Or stress? What if it was poor gut flora? The poor pooch even got fecal transplants and NAET. Yep, we were those doggie parents! We were desperate to get him relief. He literally had open wounds!

Our #1 Supplement for Stress Relief

After months of very little progress, we stopped the vet visits and everything we were doing and went back to the basics. We only kept him on his home-cooked food. Dr. Tapia took it upon herself to spy on him, watch his every move, look for triggers, pay attention to the clock, and scour the internet. It was a bit insane! Was it his liver or gallbladder according to Chinese medicine? Did he need to be adjusted more? Or did he flat out need to go on Prozac? Then she ran across a blog that talked about how stress causes the body to deplete magnesium. Could this be the cause? Could it be as simple as magnesium deficiency?

She went to the kitchen, and sure enough she had an unopened container of Natural Calm that a colleague had given her. Natural Calm is 100% magnesium! We had completely forgotten all about the natural stress-reducing effects of magnesium. What can I say?… we are human! Natural Calm is a powder that you mix with water to make an effervescent “anti-stress drink.”

We tried it, and voila! His symptoms were reduced by 90%! It felt like a miracle! Magnesium! The best part, is that Natural Calm is available everywhere with only one side effect. If you take too much, you may get temporary loose stools.

The Latest on Charlie

Believe me, he still has his moments. He is still on his crockpot dinners, but for the most part he is a happy pooch that sleeps through the night…as long as he gets his magnesium and tons of exercise! Thank you Natural Calm!

*We aren’t affiliates for this product or any product. We simply love to share great products with you that we love. Click here for our online store.

Gentle Adjustments. Powerful Results.

Gentle NUCCA Chiropractors

Intouch Chiropractic | San Diego, CA


(619) 756-7510


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