All My Doubts Are Gone

All My Doubts Are Gone

“I came to Intouch because I had a lot of different health issues that I didn’t know how to take care of; one of them being back pain. So, going to a chiropractor seemed like a good idea. My back pain started four years ago and it would come and go but it was really hard to study or do other things whenever it’d come back. I would take Advil or Aleve to treat it but that just temporarily masked the problem. I was also having trouble sleeping at night and I didn’t think chiropractic would help with that but it did along with helping me with numerous other things.

Every issue I’ve been dealing with could be treated here. At first I kind of doubted it but after my first two visits, all my doubts were gone. I was in really bad shape and if this was able to help me in the huge way that it did, then I’m 100% sure that everyone will benefit from it. This is the one appointment I never want to reschedule or cancel and it’s because it seriously works like magic. This is the best place! I’ve gone to a chiropractor before, but this is completely different. It works!”


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Gentle Adjustments. Powerful Results.

Gentle NUCCA Chiropractors Intouch Chiropractic | San Diego, CA (619) 756-7510

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