Recover Faster from Sports Injuries in San Diego, CA

Chiropractic Helps Athletes

Sports injuries can be a setback, but the reality is that chiropractic care can help athletes get back on the course faster.

The majority of athletes put their bodies through tough workouts. For this reason alone, it is critical for athletes to keep their bodies in top shape to prevent sports injuries. According to a study in The Journal of Chiropractic Research and Clinical Investigation, 30% of athletes showed increased athletic performance when tested on balance, reaction time, and agility after 12 weeks of chiropractic care. Plus, chiropractic care has also been shown to improve coordination and speed in athletes.

Some of the benefits of a chiropractic care for athletes are:

  • improved performance
  • greater endurance
  • increased range of motion
  • faster recovery time
  • improved blood flow
  • decreased risk of injury
  • better posture
  • decreased joint pain
  • better flexibility
  • greater focus and concentration
  • improved immune function

“increased athletic performance when tested on balance, reaction time, and agility”

Athletes Cumulative and Acute Sports Traumas

The cumulative effects of consistent, small stresses over years can result in the same type of trauma that a severe sudden stress can. The great majority of sports injuries are not spinal injuries, but musculoskeletal injuries such as sprains, strains and stress fractures. On the other hand, acute trauma such as fractures, dislocations or complete ligament tears are also possible. Although injury prevention and conditioning is important, they are often overlooked over the spirit of winning. While this seems illogical, the human drive to win many times becomes a priority instead of taking care of yourself.

Elite Sports and Chiropractic

More and more professional athletes are chiropractic patients because they realize that it helps them maximize their athletic performance. Major newspapers and magazine articles feature Arnold Schwartzeneger, former boxing champ Evander Holyfield, and football stars such as Emmit Smith, Joe Montana and Aaron Rodgers proclaiming the benefits of chiropractic care and the impact that it has had on their careers. Dr. Young is proud to be the chiropractor for many runners, including Boston Marathon Champion, Meb Keflezighi. In fact, it is not uncommon for professional and college teams to have a team chiropractic on the sidelines.


The Chiropractic Approach to Sports Injuries

The chiropractic approach to sports injuries is getting treatment as quickly as possible, and not waiting for it to just go away on its own. It rarely does! Chiropractic care gives an athlete an edge over their competition; allowing a higher level of function and performance and decreased risk of injury- it’s Meb Keflezighi’s secret! So what are you waiting for? Don’t wait until you are injured to see your chiropractor.

Do you want to be inspired? Check out The Epic Life of André Kajlich!


Intouch Chiropractic | San Diego, CA San Diego NUCCA Doctors | Upper Cervical Care

(619) 756-7510

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