Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays 2020!

We Couldn’t Have Done It Without You

Happy Holidays 2020! Few things beat taking care of patients in our world. However, we admit that this was a very challenging year. When the shelter-in-place order was announced by the governor, we considered closing for a minute. After all, it was a global pandemic. At the end of the day though, we opted to remain open and operate regular business hours through it all. We knew patients would be facing funky ergonomics working from home, as well as increased stress levels. We knew we would be needed.

Grateful for Your Support

When Dr. Young injured his shoulder mountain biking in January, we were reminded of the fragile aspects of running a small business. Dr. Tapia stepped in while Dr. Young recovered over the next 2 months. Thankfully he didn’t need surgery and only needed time to heal. We are grateful that his shoulder healed just in time for COVID-19! Oh man, initially that was a whirlwind of daily challenges learning the new landscape of a pandemic. We adapted quickly and daily to keep our patients safe, as well as ourselves. We are very grateful for your understanding and your continued support through this year. Thank you!

We Look Forward to the Future

As we looked to the future, we opted to stay focused and committed to our patients and our local community. All around us, we saw all types of businesses closing permanently. With so much uncertainty, we did our best by trying to support other local, small businesses that we wanted to see flourish and survive by buying gift cards through the Summer. We didn’t want to see Main Street disappear…

Our Commitment to You

Upper Cervical Care continues to be our passion! A light and gentle NUCCA adjustment can have a profound and global effect on your whole body and your health. When an atlas adjustment is specific, it doesn’t require a lot of force. The upper neck is a fragile part of our bodies, and neurologically rich! The neurological significance of this area is unparalleled to other parts of the spine, as it is closest to the brain. This is why we specialize in upper cervical care, and continue to invest in our post-graduate education. Our extra training pays off when we hear all of your health wins!Happy Holidays 2020!We look forward to the new year, and wish you all great health.Gentle Adjustments. Powerful Results.

Gentle NUCCA ChiropractorsIntouch Chiropractic | San Diego, 756-7510

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