I Came In After I Was In An Accident

I Came In After I Was In An Accident

“I came in after I was in an accident- I was traveling in an RV in Mexico when we crashed and the RV rolled. Everyone in the crash walked away with minor scrapes and bruises. A week after the accident I had trouble turning my head to the right. After the first adjustment I was able to turn my head again.

Growing up I had always experienced hip pain when I would run. Now I am able to run without any pain. There are many little pains I had always felt and thought it was due to ‘getting older’ and now those pains are gone. I always look forward to my visits with Dr. Tapia. She is one of the kindest people I know and she always asks how I am doing, I was referred by a family friend and I am very grateful for it.”

-Michelle D.


What to do after an accident

When we get into accidents, it’s easy to downplay our injuries. But that, ultimately, can work against us. Also, most insurance companies want people to visit their doctor within 48 hours of an accident. This helps rule out whiplash, concussions, fractures, bruising, sprains, strains, facet syndrome etc. The sooner you seek care, the better your health outcomes.

It’s common in our workaholic culture to take an anti-inflammatory or pain medication in order to get on with life. However, that may be the very thing that exacerbates any new issues down the road. First, masking pain will give you the impression that your injuries are less severe and don’t need to be addressed. Second, an anti-inflammatory will work against the body’s attempt to stabilize your injury.

Gentle Adjustments. Powerful Results.

Gentle NUCCA Chiropractors Intouch Chiropractic | San Diego, CA sandiegonucca.com (619) 756-7510

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