Smartphones and Exercise Don’t Mix

Smartphones and Exercise Don’t Mix

Did you know smartphones & exercise don’t mix?

Do you take your phone to the gym?If you want a better workout, consider leaving your smartphone in your locker or at home, and use a dedicated music device instead. Researchers have found that when people use their smartphones while exercising for texting or talking, it reduces overall exercise intensity, sports performance, and even reduces their cardio respiratory fitness level. Shocking, right?When observing how people use their phones at the gym, researchers found that those who used their smartphone solely for listening to music increased their heart rate, average treadmill speed, and enjoyed exercising more. Talking on the phone increased enjoyment and maintained heart rate, but reduced running speed. While texting decreased all the parameters. Texting reduced running speed, heart rate, and exercise enjoyment. Our best recommendation is to get an iPod Nano or similar device. Texting and talking on the phone can wait until after your workout. This way, you’ll maximize your workout sessions. You can also check out our 5 Motivational Myths to help you get the most out of your goals.

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