What is a Subluxation?

First the Nervous System

Firstly, every cell, tissue, organ and system, thought, and emotion is completely controlled by the nervous system. Also, the nervous system has the major task of coordinating your every move. Even, a person with a healthy nervous system can have a more effective connection between his or her emotional, physical, chemical and spiritual self. The nervous system is the master controller!

The brain and spinal cord = one connected unit. However, the spinal cord lives inside of your back. This is the information superhighway that tells your body how to function. Although, the spinal cord may have the consistency of cooked spaghetti, it is protected by hard bones called vertebra. In addition, there are shock absorbing cushions called discs between the bones. Lastly, vital spinal nerves originate from the cord. These nerves pass through openings between the vertebra, and can travel to every part of your body.

What is a Subluxation?

There are 3 aspects of a vertebral subluxation:

  • Firstly, when a vertebrae is no longer moving through its normal range of motion and is considered “misaligned.”
  • Secondly, neural tissues (brain stem, spinal cord, nerve roots) are compromised or are pressured down by the “misaligned” vertebrae.
  • Lastly, there is change or disruption of the nerve impulses. Nerve impulse is a term used to describe the information that goes from the brain to the end tissue and back up to the brain again.

What Causes a Subluxation?

Our brains and bodies can handle enormous amounts of stress. But, when we exceed our capacity, we either adapt and grow, or express symptoms and disease. Here are 3 types of stress that cause subluxation:

  • chemical: junk food, pesticides, medications
  • physical: car accidents, slips and falls
  • emotional: work stress, family stress

After all, stress disrupts the nervous system’s natural ability to function at 100%. When the nervous system overloads or “stresses out,” it is less able to function and adapt to challenges in the environment.

What Can I Do to Stay Healthy?

Chiropractic, originally founded by D.D. Palmer and later developed by his son BJ Palmer. This is the only profession that locates, analyzes and corrects vertebral subluxations. Adjustments remove interference to the nervous system.Unfortunately, the majority of the time, we can’t feel a subluxation.

With that being said, you won’t be able to gage if you are subluxation-free just by how to you feel on any given day.

You can however get a chiropractor to identify your subluxation.

Give us a call for a consultation at (619) 756-7510.


Gentle Adjustments. Powerful Results.

Gentle NUCCA Chiropractors Intouch Chiropractic | San Diego, CA (619) 756-7510 sandiegonucca.com

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