The Nervous System is the Master Controller

The Nervous System Is the Master Controller

The nervous system is the master controller that regulates every other system in your body. These systems such as the: glandular, reproductive, digestive, circulatory and immune systems. Although, interference to the spine blocks the natural flow of health throughout your body, the nervous system tells your body how to function without any conscious thought.

The Nervous System Capacity

An amazing self-correcting and self-healing capacity exists within us. Science continues to gather evidence of the nervous system’s unique and powerful capacities. Research gathered from a variety of disciplines reveals that the most important factor in unlocking our body’s innate capacity for healing is an non-obstructed, well-functioning nervous system. These disciplines include but are not limited to holistic medical approaches as well as ancient healing traditions. In fact, all ancient traditions have documented reverence and respect of the spine and nervous system.

Composition of the Nervous System

The nervous system is composed of the brain, spinal cord and all of the nerves. Our nerves branch out of our spine to every part of our anatomy connecting to every cell, muscle, organ and tissue. This system transmits vital, life-giving energy and information from the brain to the body and from the body back to the brain. Although, this highly complex system interconnects every part of the body-mind creating a vast communication network in which every cell, it is also harmoniously interactive with every other cell. In fact, as NUCCA doctors we are only concerned about the spine, because the central nervous system lives inside the bones with the brain stem living in the upper neck.

When your nervous system is clear and flexible, there is a natural flow to your life, growth and health. However, when there’s interference to its communication, it becomes a threat to your body’s capacity to respond and recover. Eventually, putting your physical and mental health at risk. In chiropractic, we called nerve interference, a subluxation, this can bring on symptoms such as back pain, neck pain, allergies and headaches.

As NUCCA chiropractors dedicated to freeing the nervous system, we have witnessed the body’s innate healing powers. We have also seen how it spontaneously unlocks when the nervous system is clear. One patient proclaims “all my doubts are gone” after ditching pain killers for the natural healing of chiropractic, another finding hope after brain surgery!

Give us a call for a consultation at (619) 756-7510.

Gentle Adjustments. Powerful Results.

Gentle NUCCA Chiropractors Intouch Chiropractic | San Diego, CA (619) 756-7510

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