Our Top 7 Immune Boosting Tips

Our Top 7 Immune Boosting Tips

Many of our patients are asking how they can improve their immune systems naturally. In this post, we share our top 7 immune boosting tips. For the most part, our immune systems do a phenomenal job of protecting us from invaders daily. However, offensive strategies can be implemented to improve our odds of staying well right now and living a pura vida!

Also, scientists and researches are constantly studying the effects of diet, exercise, stress and other variables on the immune response.  In the meantime, we can apply healthy-living techniques that are a great way to start giving our bodies a better shot at staying well (you can also check out our tips for healthy aging).

Boost Your Immune System Naturally

Here are seven strategies that you can implement right away.

1. Avoid Sugar

Eating lots of sugar suppresses your immune system by suppressing the immune cells responsible for attacking invaders. However, something as simple as drinking two (2)- 12 oz. cans of soda reduces our white blood cells’ ability to destroy and overpower bugs. Make sure you’re drinking enough water as well as choosing other less sugary choices like tea and natural fruit juices to stay hydrated instead of sugary drinks. An easy replacement is a small piece of high-quality chocolate instead of cakes and cookies. Also you can check our Detox Tips you can use!

2. Reduce Stress

Chronic stress makes us vulnerable to illness, infections and disease. Non-stop stress predisposes us to a steady cascade of the stress hormones, cortisol and adrenaline. Both of these hormones suppress the immune system, so take up deep breathing, meditation and focus on “letting go” of things we can’t control. One of our favorite anti-stress supplements is Natural Calm, especially around the holidays.

3. Eat Crunchy Veggies

Eat lots of broccoli, kale, cabbage and chard (cruciferous vegetables). These veggies support the liver’s ability to flush out toxins. Less toxins equals better health.

4. Stay Active

Exercise and movement stimulate the lymphatic system (the sewer system of the body). Exercise also increases oxygenation and increases the level of leukocytes in your body. Leukocytes are immune cells that fight infection. Play chase with your kids, jump rope in your backyard or take your pet for a walk in your neighborhood for 30 minutes (another great connection between our heath and our pets). Even a dance-off with your kids in the living room counts. You can read more on 10 Harmful Things that can happen with too much sitting around so keep your body moving to stay well and remember, smart phones and exercise don’t mix.

Is foot pain keeping you from being active? We provide Plantar Fasciitis help in San Diego!

5. Get Extra Sleep

Running your body down 100% increases your susceptibility to illness. When we lack sleep, our immune system gets depressed. Your body goes into rest and repair when you are sleeping, so make sure you get plenty of ZZZZs. Insomnia and other sleep problems can cause a rise in inflammation and spike your cortisol levels. Getting 7-9 hours of sleep is critical and boosts your immune system.

6. Get Adjusted

Chiropractic care is a natural way to boost your immune system. Chiropractic patients get sick less often, require less hospitalizations and take less prescription medications and have less allergies and headaches. The body is a dynamic group of systems that interweaves communication between the nervous system, immune system and the endocrine system.

Each of these systems plays a role in immunity. One of the ways these systems are connected is through messenger molecules such as IL-2, a cytokine most known for its impact on the immune response. IL-2 is also an important molecule in the central nervous system (CNS).

Going on vacation? Come get adjusted before you go to best help your body as you travel and also check out out tips for an awesome vacation!

7. Meditation

Meditation calms your body and mind. Sitting and being quite for as little as 10 minutes a day has a long lasting physiological benefit bringing on a better quality of life. If you have a tough time being still, many guided meditations are available online or through downloadable apps. Focusing on compassion, the positives in your life, deep breathing and just watching your thoughts and practicing ‘letting them go’ are enough to calm your mind.


*Take Your Supplements

Sick Often? Allergies? Supplements such as Vitamin D3, Vitamin C, Zinc and Probiotics also help support your immune system naturally. They are easy to find at your local health store, and we recommend taking them daily. Read more- Getting Enough Vitamin D Made Simple

Live in abundance! Boosting your immune system doesn’t need to be complicated. Your best defense against invaders is to have a great offense.



Want an expert on your health team? Call our office at (619) 756-7510 or request an appointment here.

Gentle Adjustments. Powerful Results.

Gentle NUCCA Chiropractors Intouch Chiropractic | San Diego, CA (619) 756-7510 sandiegonucca.com

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