Plantar Fasciitis Help in San Diego

Plantar Fasciitis Help in San Diego

Plantar Fasciitis: plantar fascia (tendon on the bottom of the foot) + -itis (inflammation). The tendon on the bottom of the foot connecting the heel to the toes can become inflamed when strained. It affects more than 3 million people in the US each year. It can be excruciatingly painful, affecting every aspect of your life from sports performance to walking around the house.

The inflammation can come from a variety of sources. Nicknamed, “policeman’s foot,” it can be caused by too much standing on hard surfaces. Other causes include being over weight, wearing improperly fitted shoes, and walking with your feet rolled inward. Small tears in the tendon that don’t heal ultimately lead to inflammation and pain.

Fortunately, many cases can be successfully treated at home. The home remedies includes icing the heel, soaking the foot in alternately hot and cold water, gentle massage, and gentle stretching.


Make Prevention Your Primary Goal

Prevention is the goal, because who wants pain? Here are pointers for avoiding plantar fasciitis:

• Weight – keep your body weight at a healthy level to reduce stress on your feet.

• Shoes – wear properly fitted shoes with cushioning if necessary. Athletes should have a strong arch support to prevent running on flat shoes.

• Stride – your gait and how you walk can put you at risk. If your feet roll inward, get arch supports and spinal adjustments to ensure your gait is correct.

• Stretch – after a workout, put in enough time to stretch your feet and calves while you are cooling down to reduce your risk for plantar fasciitis.


Long Term Solutions for Plantar Fasciitis

Once plantar fasciitis sets in, it can take months to a year for the pain to go away. If you feel pain, and you have tried the at-home remedies, call our office for help. We have helped many patients get out of pain and have found success using laser therapy!

May your feet stay strong and healthy to take you through your amazing journey of life.

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Guest Blogger: Martha de Forest is a dual degree engineer and certified integrative hypnotherapist. Happily married for over 30 years and has raised two daughters.

Gentle Adjustments. Powerful Results.

Gentle NUCCA Chiropractors

Intouch Chiropractic | San Diego, CA

(619) 756-7510


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