Chronic Migraines: Help Without Drugs or Surgery

Chronic Migraines Are Tough

The International Headache Society defines chronic as having more than fifteen headache days per month during a three month period in which more than eight of those days are migrainous, without medication abuse. That’s a mouthful! Here’s the skinny:

  • 15+ headaches per month
  • migraine lasts 4+ hours
  • 8+ days with migraine symptoms

At the end of the day, you just want migraine relief. You likely don’t really care about the details or specifics if you can’t get out of bed for half of the month. You go from one doctor to the next hoping that the next medication will get you by.

Chronic Migraines Help Without Drugs or Surgery

It’s no wonder that many patients are skeptical when they set foot in our office. We are usually not your first stop and you have tried every single medication on the market and have had every procedure done. You are frustrated, we understand. We wish we would have met you sooner. Recent research supports what we see in our office every day, happy, symptom-free, former chronic migraine patients. Once under care, patients always ask, “why didn’t my doctor tell me about NUCCA and chiropractic?” It’s true! NUCCA helps thousands of patients nationwide just like you overcome chronic and severe migraines once and for all. We are happy to help one patient at a time.

Obstacles to Getting Help

One of the primary obstacles we have seen is that patients just learn to live with their chronic migraines. They believe they have tried everything already. Sometimes, it has become part of their identity.

It’s cliche, but don’t give up! You haven’t tried everything until you have tried NUCCA | Upper Cervical Care.

Our doctors get excellent results with chronic migraine patients consistently. Wouldn’t you like to have your life back? To be able to do simple things like play with your kids? Go to work or out to dinner with your friends? Give us a call at (619) 756-7510 and set-up an appointment today. You aren’t your diagnosis. Get your life back!

Gentle NUCCA Chiropractors Intouch Chiropractic | San Diego, CA (619) 756-7510

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