Dizziness Relief in San Diego CA

Why Am I Dizzy?

Dizziness Relief! Dizziness is a very common condition that affects many people. Vertigo or dizziness is a sensation that you or your surroundings are in motion when there is no actual movement happening. You can feel like you are spinning, whirling, tilting or falling. When the dizziness is severe, you may experience nausea, vomiting or ringing in the ears. However, it can also become difficult to walk, stand, or even lay down. It can be quite scary, especially if you have never experienced it before. Also, you may have other symptoms such as dry mouth and may even notice an increase in your blood pressure.

When dizziness occurs, there may be mixed signals between your brain and the balance-position-sensing systems of your body. Your brain uses input from four sensory systems to maintain your sense of balance and orientation at all times. It’s a complex system that normally works without a hitch. There are many causes of dizziness and vertigo, here are a few:

Common Causes of Vertigo

  • Benign Paroxysmal Positional vertigo (BPPV) (inner ear disorder),
  • Meniere’s Disease (inner ear disorder, learn more- Health Solutions for Ménière’s Disease),
  • Vestibular Neuritis (inner ear disorder),
  • Labyrinthitis (inner ear disorder),
  • Trauma to the ear or head,
  • Migraine Headaches,
  • Chiari malformation (brain condition)
  • Vertebrobasilar Insuffiency (decreased blood flow through the arteries that supply blood to the brain stem.)

Cause of Dizziness

Some of the common causes are directly linked to atlas subluxation. Also known as C1, Atlas is the top bone in the neck. These disturbances are caused when atlas is out of alignment, it is called an atlas subluxation, also known as an atlas misalignment. When you atlas is out of place, your head tilts to one side. So, one shoulder is higher than the other, and your pelvis twists and distorts. Take a look in the mirror. Do you see this in yourself? This structural misalignment causes your body to be off center, causing an array of health problems, one of them being dizziness and vertigo.

Dizziness Relief and Atlas Subluxation Correction

In addition, atlas subluxation can irritate the vestibulo-cochlear nerve ( 8th cranial nerve). This cranial nerve controls your sense of balance and originates at the level of the brainstem. Your brainstem is a continuation of the brain and lives in the upper part of your neck. The top bones in your neck protect this delicate part of your central nervous system.

We may not have all the answers to why dizziness and vertigo occurs. However, there is mounting evidence that whiplash and head trauma are involved. Upper cervical chiropractic care offers a natural solution without drugs or neck surgery, and many patients get vertigo relief after every type of treatment has failed.

Give us a call for a consultation at (619) 756-7510 with one of upper cervical doctors.

Gentle Adjustments. Powerful Results.

Gentle NUCCA Chiropractors

Intouch Chiropractic | San Diego, CA

(619) 756-7510


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