Vertigo Relief Naturally in San Diego

Are You Tired of Suffering with Vertigo?

Are you looking for vertigo relief naturally? We totally understand. We see so many patients that have been suffering with vertigo for months and sometimes even years. Stop Spinning, Get Help for Your Vertigo

The Correlation Between Atlas and Vertigo

Firstly, Atlas is the top bone in your neck, known as C1. It sits right under your skull. So, when atlas is knocked out of place, it can typically cause many neurological disturbances, that include dizziness and vertigo. For instance, when your head tilts to one side, one shoulder is higher than the other, and your pelvis twists and distorts. In conclusion, this structural misalignment causes your body to be off center, causing an array of health problems.

Secondly, Atlas subluxation can irritate the vestibulo-cochlear nerve, the 8th cranial nerve. Although, this cranial nerve originates at the level of the brainstem, it controls your sense of balance. So, you may experience off- balance, spinning, symptoms.

Lastly, your brainstem is a continuation of the brain and lives inside of the upper neck bones. The top bones in your neck protect this delicate part of your central nervous system making it the most important to keep aligned.

Not sure what to do after an accident? Get checked out by an upper cervical chiropractor, as there is definitive evidence that whiplash and head trauma can cause vertigo and chronic neck pain. NUCCA and upper cervical chiropractic care offers a natural solution without drugs or surgery (NUCCA is also a health solution for ménière’s disease that can result in dizziness and vertigo as well). Many of our patients get relief after every other type of treatment has failed.

Check out another testimony here- I Was Scared in the Emergency Room

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Give us a call for a consultation at (619) 756-7510.


Gentle Adjustments. Powerful Results.

Gentle NUCCA Chiropractors

Intouch Chiropractic | San Diego, CA

(619) 756-7510

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