Chronic Neck Pain: NUCCA a Possible Solution


Firstly, Millions of Americans suffer from back and chronic neck pain. In most cases, pain is triggered by an event, like an accident, or has been happening over time, like extended screen time. However, ongoing pain leads to decreased quality of life, poor productivity, and for some, prescription drug abuse.

Therefore, if your pain does not respond to home remedies like ice and heat therapy and over-the-counter pain medication, you should consider seeing a NUCCA doctor for help.


NUCCA doctors are members of the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association. So, the focus of NUCCA is the relationship between the upper cervical spine (neck) and its influence on the function of the central nervous system and brain stem. Treatment involves a gentle touch applied to the first vertebrae in a precise manner.

A NUCCA consultation includes a complete health history. Through this interview, your doctor will link new and old injuries to your current symptoms. The doctor takes specialized x-rays from multiple angles to determine a specific way to adjust you that is unique to your anatomy. In a follow up appointment, your NUCCA doctor will explain what the x-rays show. If appropriate, he will make treatment recommendations.

NUCCA treatments: effective for all ages including older adults, disabled individuals, and even little kids. The adjustment is super gentle, effective and precise.


For me, chronic neck pain was a part of my life starting in grade school. I suffered from a “crick” in my neck and be sent to school with my head and shoulder all scrunched together. Today, that would be unthinkable for both myself and my children because I have NUCCA as a resource.

Before discovering NUCCA and Intouch Chiropractic, I used “regular” chiropractors. Some were excellent, some were competent, but we never set-up a long term plan to really address long-term relief from discomfort. Working with my NUCCA doctors has led me to consistent gentle adjustments that have allowed my body to find a new normal that is free of intense pain. Thank goodness!

As part of a complete health care plan that includes proper diet and exercise, NUCCA is an excellent non-invasive resource for those seeking to reduce chronic and/or acute pain, as it has been for my family. Did you know kids need chiropractic care too? Read more in Baby Atlas!


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Gentle Adjustments. Powerful Results.

Gentle NUCCA Chiropractors

Intouch Chiropractic | San Diego, CA

(619) 756-7510

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