True Sciatica Relief in San Diego, CA

True Sciatica Relief in San Diego, CA

True Sciatica Relief in San Diego, CA. The condition known as sciatica refers to pain that travels along the path of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is a bundle of nerves that branch from your lower back and continuous through your hips, buttocks and down each leg. However, typically, sciatica affects only one side of your body. Most commonly, sciatica occurs when a herniated disk or a bone spur on the spine compresses part of the nerve. Therefore, this causes inflammation, pain and often some numbness in the affected leg.”

The sciatic nerve is the largest and longest nerve in your body. The sciatic nerve can be as thick as the width of your thumb, and runs from your pelvis down each leg. Each sciatic nerve is comprised of five smaller nerves which branch into the thigh, knee, calf, ankle and foot.

Causes of Sciatica

Sciatica is associated with pain, muscle weakness, tingling and numbness into the hip, buttock, leg, calf or foot. In many occasions, the pain usually starts in the low back and radiates into the leg. Over time, the leg pain becomes worse than the back pain. Also, sciatic pain can be due to a misaligned lower spine or pelvis that is putting pressure on the sciatic nerve. Although, a herniated disc can also be the cause of sciatica it is usually due to an injury. Other causes of sciatica are arthritis, tumors, diabetes, vitamin deficiencies, and degeneration as a result from long-term stress on the lower back. However, simple activities such as standing, sitting, walking, running, heavy lifting, bending, twisting, or even sneezing can bring on symptoms.

I Thought It Would Go Away

It is common for patients to wait until they can’t stand the pain anymore before seeking help. However, the longer patients wait, the more likely there is long-term damage. Keep in mind, pain killers only mask the symptoms and never heal the cause. Our motto is chiropractic first, drugs second, surgery last. It is critical that you get help early since some of the causes of sciatica are serious.

Natural and Gentle Sciatica Relief

In a recent study, 60% of patients with sciatica who failed medical management, benefited from chiropractic adjustments to the same degree as surgery (microdiscectomy). In conclusion, patients with symptomatic lumbar disc herniation should consider chiropractic adjustments and non-surgical spinal decompression first, and surgery last if warranted.

Learn more-

Bulging disks vs herniated disks

Degenerative Disc Disease Treatment

The Miracle of Life

Gentle Adjustments. Powerful Results.

Gentle NUCCA Chiropractors Intouch Chiropractic | San Diego, CA (619) 756-7510

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