Unable to Sleep Through the Night

Unable to Sleep Through The Night

“I was UNABLE to sleep through the night due to arm neuropathy, lower back pain and numbness in my calf area.

I had suffered with this for too long! Also, I had not seen any other doctors or taken any medications for it prior to coming to Dr. Young. I have been treated exceptionally well here. What I like most about my care is that he took me seriously and listened before offering any advice. There have been no negatives at all.

Now, I can sleep most of the night, waking occasionally, and generally rise with no lower back and leg issues. I highly recommend Dr. Young to all of my friends!”

-Richard H.

So many people suffer from insomnia, sleep apnea, or poor sleep. Could it be that having less pain, stress and body aches helps you sleep better at night? Possibly. We hear from patients on a daily basis that they are falling asleep easier, staying asleep longer and having more restful sleep. This is music to our ears because not only are our patients well rested, their bodies are healing and repairing during sleep. At this point in time, it is well documented that poor sleep affects every aspect of your life. Getting a good night’s rest naturally is priceless!

Are you also unable to sleep through the night? Want more information on how we can help? Call our office at (619) 756-7510 or request an appointment here.


Want to read another testimonial: They got NUCCA care and now are sleeping through the night.


Gentle Adjustments. Powerful Results.

Gentle NUCCA Chiropractors Intouch Chiropractic | San Diego, CA sandiegonucca.com (619) 756-7510

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