Sleep Apnea Help

Nobody Had Been Able to Help Me

“I never would have thought that chiropractic could help me, but I wish to express my personal gratitude for helping me. Since being under your care, I no longer suffer from sleep apnea, and I no longer have acid reflux problems. I had seen many medical doctors, and had been put through lots of “tests,” but nobody had been able to help me.

Thank you also for working on my hands, elbows and feet! Your expertise on appendages is truly extraordinary. As a result of your treatment, I have no more tingling in any of my extremities. I also have a much greater range of movement and can exercise without pain.”

-Michael M.

 How Do We Help Sleep Apnea?

So many people suffer from sleep apnea and are unable to sleep through the night. Could it be that having less pain, stress and body aches helps you sleep better at night? Possibly. We hear from patients on a daily basis that they are falling asleep easier, staying asleep longer and having more restful sleep. This is music to our ears because not only are our patients well rested, their bodies are healing and repairing during sleep. At this point in time, it is well documented that poor sleep affects every aspect of your life. Getting a good night’s rest naturally is priceless!

We loved helping Michael with his sleep problems and we would love getting you sleeping through the night as well! Give us a call at (619) 756-7510 for a consultation!


Gentle Adjustments. Powerful Results.

Gentle NUCCA Chiropractors Intouch Chiropractic | San Diego, CA (619) 756-7510

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