Headache and Back Pain Relief!

Headache and Back Pain Relief

I came into Intouch about three months ago with headache and back pain problems. I had been to a few different chiropractors in the past, both traditional and upper cervical, to treat a pinched nerve in my neck from a car accident about 5 years ago. Both of the styles worked but I didn’t feel like I was getting the full spectrum of care that I needed for the profession that I am in. My body needed more wide variety of tools to heal and strengthen.

I am a project manager for a landscape construction company and my job is very high impact. In the past I would have been completely unable to do anything needed of me at work per recommendations of my past chiropractors. Dr.Young was able to work with me so that I was able to continue working throughout the initial, most intensive stage of my treatment. Dr. Young has an extensive knowledge of athletes and what is needed to keep their body and spine healthy and happy. Within the first week of treatment my headaches were gone and I was able to alleviate a lot of the tension and pain in my back. Not only is the care top notch, Joselyn, Dr. Young and Dr. Tapia are absolutely amazing! They provide the best experience for their clients!

-Alyssa F.

Many patients have come in hurting from a headache or back pain, even saying their back would go out! We’ve helped them find relief and we can help you too!


Gentle Adjustments. Powerful Results.

Gentle NUCCA Chiropractors Intouch Chiropractic | San Diego, CA sandiegonucca.com (619) 756-7510

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