Chronic Headache Relief in San Diego

Chronic Headache Relief with NUCCA Care

A retrospective study looked at chronic headache relief with NUCCA Care. In addition, research supports that cervicogenic headaches are common when a patient has suffered trauma to their an upper neck. NUCCA protocols focus on the upper neck and atlas misalignment. Moreover, the study focuses on improving pain levels, posture, and quality of life for headache sufferers.

Of the original 239 study patients, 47 patients, qualified for the retrospective study. On average, patients who suffered headache symptoms for over 9 years and were 41 years of age. Firstly, participants received NUCCA Care for their chronic headaches. Secondly, after a NUCCA correction, patients would show a leg length inequality that was reduced to practically zero. In addition, pelvic tilt would show significantly reduction too. To sum it up, participants under NUCCA Care, saw 80% or better reduction of atlas laterality and lesser symptoms.

What Patients Reported

Also, the visual analog scale (VAS) method was used with patients. VAS uses a scale of 0 to 10, 10 indicating “your absolute worst headache pain,” and 0 “no headache pain.” Patients reported 5.73 (average) VAS score before an adjustment, and 1.26 (average) VAS score after an adjustment. This method would note a significant reduction in their headache pains. Yay!

In addition, the SF-36 Health Survey was used. It is composed of 36 questions designed to measure eight key areas related to health and quality of life by asking patients to recall their recent experiences within the previous four weeks.

The following key areas in SF-36 scores displayed significant improvement:

Firstly, Vitality

Secondly, Social Function

In addition to Emotional Health

and lastly, Mental Health

Study Conclusions

Patients reported significant improvement in pain symptoms, as well as improved quality of life after NUCCA Care. NUCCA is an appropriate treatment for non-migrainous or cervicogenic headaches that does not require drugs or surgery.

Chiropractic is one of the greatest forms of natural health! Want to learn the difference between a headache and a migraine, click here.

Want to feel better? Give us a call at 619-313 5403! We also help patients with chronic neck pain and others saying they have zero back pain!

Gentle Adjustments. Powerful Results.

Gentle NUCCA Chiropractors Intouch Chiropractic | San Diego, CA (619) 756-7510

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