Knee, Collarbone, Neck and Back Injuries from My BMX Days

Knee, Collarbone, Neck and Back Injuries from My BMX Days

If I could give them 6 stars, I would! Wow! What a difference Intouch Chiropractic has made in my life.

“I started racing BMX when I was 8 years old and continued my racing career until I was 26. During this time, I had accomplished multiple National, Regional, State, and District #1 Titles. Had national sponsorships and was traveling to a different city ever other week. I felt like a champion everyday… until one day I suffered a career ending injury. Saying I was “devastated” would be an understatement. My favorite passion had finally ended. 10 years went by and I was a complete wreck the whole time. “Out of whack” was an easy way to describe the state my body was in. All of my injuries that I had suffered during my racing career finally caught up with me.”

My Injuries

“Everything from multiple torn ACL’s on both knees, broken collarbones, multiple neck and back injuries and then some only added to my daily pain, my increasing depression and my social anxiety. My doctors remedy was to keep adding more and more medication to alleviate my pain, which only helped to mask it. Not being able to participate in fun activities with my friends, sometimes even going for a walk, only increased those negative thoughts and feelings even more. I began to believe that this was normal and how the rest of my life would be.”

NUCCA Chiropractic

“One day a friend of mine recommended going to a chiropractor. I, of course, hesitated as I had always heard the negative comments of going to see one, so I never did. Until one day, I decided that enough was enough, I had tried everything else, so why not go see a chiropractor. Just to write it of my list and say “yeah, I’ve already tried that too.” It has been less than a year and WOW!! What a difference! I remember going in to see Dr. Young and commenting, “I want to feel young again” as a joke. Well, the jokes on me, I not only feel young again, I feel better than young.”

No More Medications

“Besides being able to be active with no more pain, is no more medication. I wake up everyday pain free and no longer need to see the doctors who kept over prescribing me. I have mobility in parts of my body that I hadn’t for over 10 years. Saying my life is “amazing” doesn’t even begin to describe how I feel now. I never thought I could ever feel this great again. I can’t say “THANK YOU” enough to Dr. Young, Dr. Tapia and Joselyn. They have truly helped to change my life. Thank You, and Thank You, and Thank You again.”

-Ken M.


Gentle Adjustments. Powerful Results.

Intouch Chiropractic | San Diego, CA (619) 756-7510 San Diego NUCCA Doctors | Upper Cervical Care Reviews

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