Lower Back Pain Diagnosis and Treatment

Chronic Lower Back Pain

Chronic lower back pain is very common. We’ve seen patients dealing with low back pain for more than a decade. Our low back is responsible for supporting the weight of our upper body. It also provides mobility for everyday movements such as twisting and bending. Low back muscles are responsible for rotating and flexing the hips while we walk, as well as support our spinal column. Nerves exiting the low back power the muscles and supply sensation of the pelvis, legs, and feet.

Some back pain develops overtime in the instance of spinal stenosis for example, but the majority of low back symptoms are due to injury to the muscles, joints, ligaments, or discs. The body reacts to injury by dispatching an inflammatory healing response. This inflammatory response is the body’s way of stabilizing the area, although it can cause debilitating pain.

There is significant overlap in the nerve supply to the discs, ligaments, muscles, and other structures of the spine. Because of this, it can be difficult for the brain to accurately pinpoint and sense the exact area that is causing the symptoms. For example, pain due to a bulging or herniated lumbar disc symptoms can feel very similar to pain due to a pulled muscle. Both of these conditions create inflammation and pain in the affected area.

Chiropractic Effective for Back Pain

Research studies show that chiropractic care is effective in treating low back pain and hip pain. A 2011 study suggested that chiropractic care can prevent recurring back symptoms better than traditional treatments. Researchers studied almost 900 cases of back pain, and discovered that patients receiving traditional medical care relied more heavily on medications and were disabled longer than chiropractic patients. Those under a physician’s care were disabled for an average of 119 days versus 49 days for chiropractic patients. Plus, chiropractic care helps prevent future episodes of back pain. All this by addressing the root cause of back pain, rather than masking the symptoms.

Patients with chronic low-back pain that were treated by chiropractors showed greater improvement and were more satisfied at one month than patients treated by family doctors. A higher number of chiropractic patients (56 percent vs. 13 percent) stated that their low-back pain was better or much better. In comparison, almost one-third of medical patients reported their low-back pain was worse or much worse. One of our patients has reported “all my doubts are gone“, another says they even have zero back pain after chiropractic care.

How We Help Our Patients

It’s common to treat back symptoms with painkillers. While this may be an easy fix for temporary relief, do your research first. Before you take prescription and pharmaceutical pain medications (including opioids) or over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers, it’s important for you to understand the dangers they pose. This is especially important if taken in the wrong dose or for long periods of time, as they come with many side effects that can be dangerous.

The information we gain from your consultation and exam helps our doctors determine if you are a candidate for care in our office. Rather than simply treating the symptoms, our specialists provide a long-term strategy. This is to not only get the relief that you seek right away, but also prevent future spinal decay and pain.

If you have had radiographs or MRIs taken in the past, please bring them with you to your appointment for our doctors to review. We see many patients that have failed other treatments such as prescription medications, physical therapy, and even surgery.

Don’t lose hope! We treat many patients successfully with our state-of-the-art non-surgical spinal decompression technology, laser therapy, and upper cervical care. Patients that have come to us saying their back would go out or they could barely walk have now found relief and no low back pain!

Want to learn more? Check out how our doctors treat sciatica & lower back pain symptoms and the treatment of degenerative disc disease? Does it even hurt to bend over? Don’t wait to come to chiropractic in tears. Give us a call for a consultation at (619) 756-7510!

Gentle Adjustments. Powerful Results.

Gentle NUCCA Chiropractors Intouch Chiropractic | San Diego, CA (619) 756-7510 sandiegonucca.com

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References: —Cifuentes et al (2011), Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine –Nyiendo et al (2000), Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics

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